Monday, February 23, 2009

Five Loving Friends of Allergies

Many people are often ignorant of the fact that many causes of allergies may be lying within the boundaries of their “safe” home and even right under their noses. Go over this list of some interesting causes of allergies which you probably didn’t even know were the reasons behind your rush for the tissues or your sneezing fit.


Although they do give you an oriental eastern taste and help exercise your taste buds, spices come from pungent plants. Along with their fantastic taste they can also bring on a variety of reactions ranging from swelling of the nasal passages to even a burning sensation on the lips. The key culprits are coriander, poppy seeds, paprika, cumin, saffron and even pepper.

Christmas Trees

As the Christmas season rolls in, your allergies probably roll in along with it. If you have placed your Christmas tree in a bucket of water or in damp soil, you better check whether there is mold growing; this might be the reason for your allergies! Plenty of people do not get along well with spores of mold. A better option might be to get a fake tree and have pine scented candles to get the “Christmas” smell. On the other hand, if you absolutely have to have a real tree, get one which has been freshly cut so that it doesn’t have plenty of molds on it already. Do not water it too frequently and have it for a few days instead of the entire month.



Paints contain solvents and other synthetic resins which might cause you to react with headaches and itchy eyes. This is applicable to mostly oil based paints which keep releasing these chemicals even if after the pain has dried up. Get fresh air to circulate in the space for at least a month after the paint job has finished.


If you love drinking, do not worry you don’t have to stop because alcohol allergies are extremely rare. On the other hand the extra stuff such as grains and additives, which are used to make liquor, can trigger allergies. Stuffy noses and rashes pop up because of the wheat content or even sulfur dioxide preservatives. Other extras like corn, barley, rye and other fruit flavorings can create havoc too. Opt for grain-free liquors such as tequila or even potato vodka. Be on the lookout for wines labeled “sulfite-free”!


Not all buttons are causes of allergies; it is just the ones which are made of nickel. However, topical creams can be used to cure the itchiness and redness caused by these buttons typically found on blue jeans. Replace your buttons with plastic ones or if you still like these nickel buttons, paint them with clear nail polish! 

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